

The Capricorn zodiac sign is represented by a mountain goat with a fish tail. This is an accurate representation of Capricorn, as they are always climbing and progressing, choosing to climb towards greater heights.

  • Dates: December 22 – January 19
  • Symbol: The Goat
  • Duality: Receptive
  • Element: Earth
  • Quality: Cardinal
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Tarot Card: The Devil
  • Secret Wish: To have every need taken care of
  • How to Spot Them: Distinctive jaw, strong teeth, wise look in the eyes
  • Where You’ll Find Them: Enjoying quality time with the family, working obsessively on a large-scale project, running for Senior Vice President of the company, directing a full-length feature film
  • Keywords for Capricorn: Ambition, Structure, Goals, Long-Term Plans, Prestige, Public Image/Acclaim

Capricorn Zodiac Sign Personality

Capricorns tend to be very goal orientated and are one of the most self-disciplined zodiac signs. Some of the best scientists, politicians, leaders, and teachers in the world have Capricorn in their chart; unsurprising given their drive to succeed. Many Capricorns find it natural to set goals, calculate their path to them, and stick to them, and they will work long hard hours to complete what they set out to do. They are known for being extremely disciplined and patient, keeping their eye on the long-term prize. They have the understanding that what they seek is not won in a day, but rather, a long journey; one that takes commitment and dedication.

Achieving – in a general sense – is very important to people who fall under the sign of Capricorn. They often take life very seriously and fail to understand how others do not. They generally have a very dry sense of humor, which tends to surprise people and catch them off guard. This more humorous side of the mountain goat often does show that they can find amusement in situations that others do not.

Many under the Capricorn zodiac sign tend to be very good with numbers and have the innate ability to analyze both situations and people. Never the one to be loud and obnoxious, they do tend to be the strong silent types and are oftentimes the muscle behind many plans and decisions. More often, they tend to go about their tasks without feeling the need to advertise their many achievements.

Positives of Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Strengths: Driven, patient, strategic, determined, disciplined, reliable, responsible and persistent

Those born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn are diligent, hard-working, calm people; this tends to go along with their drive to succeed and their innate ability to analyze things with a cool head. They tend to be very good at seeing through any illusions, emotional, political or otherwise, and will get right down to the bottom line quite quickly. Most of them will avoid things such as jealousy, anger, inefficiency and laziness as they find these things useless towards their goals.

Most Capricorns are great to have on your side in an argument. They are both patient and handle pressure well; what other signs would lose their cool over, Capricorn takes with a calm analytical attitude. They can also argue fiercely and with facts that others would find hard to deny. They tend to be right most of the time and will fight fiercely for what they believe right. Luckily for them, those who fall under the zodiac sign of Capricorn are good at protecting themselves and tend not to get hurt too much.

This means too that they are quite shy, guarded and reserved, and they don\’t let people get too close until they are sure they can be trusted. This makes them great advice givers to more emotional zodiac signs. In group dynamics and decisions, Capricorns are great to have around for decisions as their analytical objectivity and focus on facts tend to be useful.

Negatives of Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Weaknesses: Pessimistic, greedy, cynical, fearful, ruthless in achieving a goal, rigid, and miserly

While usually positive, Capricorn’s relentless drive towards their goals can sometimes backfire. They will always put their achievements first, and this can make them seem cold and inflexible. They do not like to be wrong, and even more so – they especially don\’t like to admit that they are wrong. In the worst cases, this stubborn mountain goat may even refuse to believe facts. Some Capricorns can be driven to succeed at any cost – meaning that they can keep key information and resources to themselves to gain an advantage against others and this can give the impression of being rather stingy and selfish.

Being rather guarded, it is difficult to gain a Capricorn’s trust. They oftentimes keep their feelings hidden, making them hard to read. This, alongside their attention to minute details and tendency towards numbers and analysis, they can seem dull and emotionless to other signs.

Capricorns also have the reputation of being rather pessimistic. If they don’t tend to have someone in their lives they can trust and talk to, there’s a higher chance than other signs to fall into depression. Their value on achievement means that failures can lead to deeply self-critical thoughts. Many tend to have a perfectionistic streak, that if left unchecked can feed into their self-destructive ways of thinking.


Friends and Family for Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorns are very loyal to friends and family. Due to their highly logical and rational mind, they find it easy to break contact with any family members who are violent or manipulative. Once establishing family of their own, and often later in life – as they grow more and more secure, they find great pleasure with family. As a friend they are often the ones in the group that are the most mature and logical. They are great advice givers and will be the ones to go to when a decision needs to be made.

Career for Capricorn Zodiac Sign

When it comes to their careers, they will always get to the top. They work incredibly hard, and will go the extra mile in their jobs. They will not be manipulated or pushed to do things that they shouldn’t do – the mountain goat is rather stubborn after planning out a course for its future. They work well in a team or as leaders. They are great decision makers and are highly logical. They are driven towards success no matter the cost and will not let anything get in their way. Employers will love their Capricorn employees, though employees may find Capricorn employers to be quite inflexible and to push very hard to get the results that they are looking for. 

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