

The Cancer zodiac sign is represented by the crab for a few reasons. Just like a crab they have a tight hold on what they love and often have trouble letting go. Crabs also move sideways, and those born under this zodiac sign tend to do this in their lives too.

  • Dates: June 21 – July 22
  • Symbol: The Crab
  • Duality: Receptive
  • Element: Water
  • Quality: Cardinal
  • Ruling Planet: Moon
  • Tarot Card: The Chariot
  • Secret wish: To take care of friends and family
  • How to Spot Them: Walking with their chests puffed out, round “moon-like” facial features
  • Where You’ll Find Them: Shopping for antiques and rare finds, creating a masterpiece with a guitar or art supplies, listening to live bands, in the kitchen
  • Keywords: Nurturing, Sensitivity, Emotions, Moodiness, Home, Family, Children, Femininity

Cancer Zodiac Sign Personality

Those born under the zodiac sign Cancer need to be needed. In all aspects of their lives, they have an overwhelming desire to feel loved and appreciated in order to develop a sense of security and identity. To the crab, their sense of home is incredibly important to their feeling of safety. They find it hard to achieve anything unless they feel safe and comfortable in their home lives. As such, they tend to be great at creating home environments for those that they love – both emotionally and physically. You’ll often find the home of the crab to be welcoming, cozy and secure.

They are incredibly sensitive, meaning like the crab, they can have developed some very thick armor to help them deal with the changes in the world. Cancer can be quite deep and mysterious, their outer appearances hiding the depth of their feelings. They don’t like revealing too much of themselves, and are rather indirect in the way that they communicate.

Normally protective and courageous, Cancer signed people can however become very brooding and moody if they feel that their emotional needs are not being met. Because of their rather clingy natures they tend to be sensitive to the needs of others. In life people who fall under the zodiac sign of Cancer can be quite successful with their ability to understand intuitively what others desire or seek.

Positives of Cancer Zodiac Sign

Strengths: Nurturing, Supportive, Healing, Compassionate, Unconditionally Loving

Those born under the zodiac sign Cancer are deeply loving people. They are considered one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac.Their love of security leads them to take friendships and relationships very seriously. They are compassionate and almost unconditional in the love that they give to those in their lives. They have a great sense of loyalty to friends and family, and will leave everything in the drop of a hat in order to help their loved ones. They find happiness in sharing what they have – both in their home and the sense of security that they can provide in the form of advice, and care. They can suffer deeply when relationships, romantic or otherwise, don’t work out.

Many tend to have an odd sense of humor, and can sometimes find humor in situations where others don\’t see it. This means they are great to have around when things are not going great – they will bring with them their innate understanding of how to care for people alongside that humor. They are very understanding people, and work well as friends. They are quick to share and trust, despite their cool exterior, and value honesty in others. They are the one sign in the zodiac that other signs gravitate towards during moments of grief, because of their willingness to listen and ability to understand. 

Negatives of Cancer Zodiac Sign

Weaknesses: Dependent, Indirect, Moody, Passive Aggressive, Unable To Let Go

The zodiac sign Cancer tends to be quite needy in terms of affection. This can lead to the being clingy and overbearing, and can also lead to some dishonesty. People who fall under the sign of Cancer have been known to lie in situations where they believe if will stop someone, either a friend or a partner, from leaving. They have a rather strong fear of abandonment, and they can go to extremes to avoid being left alone.

They can also have issues letting go of the past.  Being deeply sensitive, they forgive, but they never forget. Suffering from long ago leaves them with a scar. They can linger and return to that scar time and time again, remembering that pain and reopening the wound. When they suffer, they tend to do so alone – searching for safety again in the comfort of their own solitude. Anything that is hurtful, insulting, or just reminds them of their insecurities tend to push them back into their shell again.

They are sometimes also quite moody – and work hard to avoid letting others know just how sensitive they are. They often have a thick armor to penetrate before revealing their true feelings, all in order to protect themselves. They can lash out when in this state, and though it seemingly may come from nowhere, it is usually due to them feeling hurt.


Friends and Family for Cancer Zodiac Sign

Friends and family can be a fickle issue with those in the Cancer zodiac sign, simply because they care so much. On the one hand they are loyal and ready to help whenever they are needed, but on the other, they do not like to be overlooked by parents, siblings, or friends. They can feel very wounded by friends moving on naturally or by siblings not wanting to spend time with them. But most of their relationships will work out just fine. In order to keep their relationships going, they need to be tended to quite regularly, and Cancer signed people do not deal well with large periods of time left alone or ignored.

Career for Cancer Zodiac Sign

In their careers those born under the zodiac sign Cancer can have trouble finding the right work environment. They may even move from job to job because of their tendency to change their minds and their desire for creativity. They are very hard workers however, and when they are in a job, they tend to be one of the hardest and most reliable workers there. They don\’t work so well in leadership positions, but as part of a team they do become a great asset, so long as there is no micromanagement. Because their strengths lie in caring for others, they may be well suited to work in service oriented or nonprofit careers.

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