

The Aries sign is represented by the symbol of a ram, reflecting their tendency to seek challenges head on.

  • DatesMarch 21 – April 19
  • Symbol: The Ram
  • Duality: Active
  • Element: Fire
  • Quality: Cardinal
  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Tarot Card: The Emperor
  • Secret Wish: To be number one
  • How to Spot Them: High foreheads, focused or manic energy, aggressive stance
  • Keywords: Willpower, Initiative, Determination, Passion, Beginnings, Self-Belief, Innocence

Aries Zodiac Sign Personality

Those born under the Aries zodiac sign tend to have high energy and a thirst for life, leading them to seek out challenging experiences that can push them to new limits. A typical Aries is very driven and curious, and has a strong sense of justice. They tend to be very ambitious and thrive in a competitive environment, whether it’s intellectual or physical in nature. They are generally quite optimistic people, and feel very comfortable in leadership roles.

Those under Aries often have a very positive attitude and are less inclined to feel pity for themselves than some other signs. At times they can be quite hot headed, and given their propensity to seek out justice, they can often find themselves in a lot of heated arguments. Having a one track mind, they also are very unlikely to back down from those arguments – they like to be right and have the last word — regardless of whether they are actually right or not. If harnessed properly, the fire that burns inside them is something that will fuel their actions, and will push them to become defenders for both themselves and others.

Positives of Aries Zodiac Sign

Strengths: Brave, powerful, direct, independent, strong sense of justice, innocent, assertive, fearless, head-strong

People born under the Aries zodiac sign people love to be winners. Their competitive nature means that they usually succeed quite well in all areas of their life. If it is a case of working harder or smarter, those under this sign will always succeed. They like to be challenged which means that their lives are rarely boring or repetitive. Their enthusiasm can also reach into the lives of those they care about, by showing them new ways to do things and pushing them to meet their own challenges and make their lives what they desire them to be. Their positivity can mean their personalities are quite magnetic, bringing excitement to everything that they touch.

Aries never does anything half heartedly, so if you are spending time with someone under the Aries zodiac sign then you will feel the full force of their zest for life. Their argumentative nature and their desire for justice means that they will stand up fiercely for their friends and partners in arguments. You can always count on an Aries sign to do and defend what is right.

Negatives of Aries Zodiac Sign

WeaknessesAggressive, self-centered, blunt, pushy, inconsistent, selfish, loud, domineering, bad-tempered

Their rather aggressive and stubborn nature can sometimes be hard to handle. With less competitive signs there can be many arguments to be had. Aries can sometimes come across as arrogant and in need of attention because of their stubbornness and their desire to push people to challenge themselves.

They are also quite likely to get bored and this can frustrate some within their social circles – especially with other zodiac signs who are better suited to stable environments. Aries is a fire sign, and this can mean that sometimes people who are under the Aries sign can be quite hot-headed.

They can get very single minded when working on projects and come across as selfish, completely unaware of how their actions affect others as they relentlessly push themselves towards their goals. They can also find it difficult to tolerate being patient with people who aren\’t as motivated or energetic as they are. Being quick tempered, they have little care for being diplomatic.

Friends and Family for Aries Zodiac Sign

In terms of friends and family, Aries people can be very competitive with siblings and friends. However, they are also warm and loving with their loved ones. Whatever relationships they cultivate, they give all of their energy to those relationships. Their competitive natures, hotheadedness, and impatience can have a negative affect with their friends and family however. They can sometimes push people away due to this, but don\’t usually hold grudges. Aries people will be loyal towards their friends and family, not taking it well when they think that they are being threatened.

Career for Aries Zodiac Sign

Given their propensity for competition, Aries people can get very far in life in terms of their careers. They will move up through the ranks faster than other signs, and will thrive in environments that encourage or reward their competitive natures. People who share the Aries sign make great leaders and love to be in leadership positions. They can deal with not being leaders, but if they disagree with their bosses, their sense of justice and aggression can make that relationship difficult. Their high levels of energy mean that they can work for long shifts quite easily. They also tend to be very good at keeping records, and being very particular with details.

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